
The IMBRICS Business Communications Foundation delegation took part in SPIEF 2024

2024-06-05 20:00
The IMBRICS Business Communications Foundation delegation took part in SPIEF 2024.

During the forum, negotiations were organised and held with representatives of the BRICS countries: India, China, Brazil, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt and others, as well as CIS countries: Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Within the framework of the negotiations, issues of the development of international inter-municipal integration processes and the inclusion of the most relevant ones in the agenda of the IMBRICS Forum, which will be held in Moscow on August 27-28, were discussed. The acute interest of foreign participants showed the need to strengthen economic ties between the BRICS countries.

"Today we held a large number of meetings and negotiations with Russian and foreign representatives and were pleased with such high interest from foreign partners. I am convinced that in the coming days we will also actively build contacts with the guests of the event to expand business communications," said Mikhail Sverdlov, Director of the IMBRICS Business Communications Foundation.

As part of the SPIEF zero day, the Foundation also signed agreements with several Russian organisations from many regions, such as Tatarstan, Nizhny Novgorod, Chelyabinsk, Novosibirsk and others to develop the IMBRICS Foundation's partner network. It should be noted separately that the Foundation has begun to actively cooperate with the Kazan Cooperative Institute in building interaction with foreign students.

The IMBRICS Business Communications Foundation also took part in the Russia-Kyrgyzstan dialogue, where topical issues of cooperation were discussed. We noted the great need for the development and exchange of experience between our capitals within the framework of international municipal integration.

The IMBRICS Forum 2024 will be held on August 27-28 in Moscow at the Expocentre. The general partner of the Forum is the Government of Moscow.