Media accreditation


1. General provisions
Accreditation of mass media representatives (hereinafter referred to as the "media"), representatives of social media (hereinafter referred to as "SM") and blogosphere to the International Municipal BRICS Forum 2024 (hereinafter referred to as the "IMBRICS Forum" or the "Forum") is carried out to ensure conditions necessary for their professional activities related to the preparation and dissemination of complete and reliable information about the Forum events.

1.1 Media, SM, and blogosphere representatives must be accredited to work at all Forum events.

1.2 In the course of their professional activities, media, SM, and blogosphere representatives must respect the rights and legitimate interests of Forum participants and staff, and adhere to recognised standards of ethics.

1.3 The number of media, SM, and blogosphere representatives who may participate in the Forum is limited. This rule is introduced in the interests of ensuring comfortable working conditions and quick access to all necessary resources, given the acute interest in the event and the limited capacity of the venue's infrastructure.

1.4 The Forum will be held in compliance with all necessary security measures and recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor (the Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare) to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection.

1.5 The Forum organisers reserve the right to determine the number of accredited media, SM, and blogosphere representatives under the current sanitary and epidemiological situation. Follow updates on the Forum website ( and in newsletters.

1.6 Media editors, media representatives, and blogosphere representatives are responsible for the accuracy of the data provided about the organisation's employees under the laws of the Russian Federation.

1.7. The Forum will provide specialised working areas for representatives of the media, SM, and blogosphere, equipped with internet access and electrical outlets to ensure comfortable conditions for the performance of their professional duties.

1.8 The Forum will have a press centre and interview areas, which will allow media representatives and bloggers to quickly receive comments and conduct live broadcasts.

2. Accreditation of media representatives and bloggers
2.1 Procedure for submitting and reviewing an application for accreditation
Media representatives and bloggers wishing to cover the Forum events must submit an accreditation application (hereinafter referred to as the "application") via the official Forum website (
The application must be filled out in full, with special attention paid to the mandatory fields marked with an asterisk. Applications can be submitted via the official website of the Forum from 20 June to 10 August 2024. Applications will be considered within 10 calendar days after the application deadline. Accreditation of media, SM and blogosphere representatives is valid for all days of the Forum.

2.2 Procedure for issuing accreditation badges to media, SM and blogosphere representatives
Representatives of the media, SM and the blogosphere shall receive accreditation badges after the registration application has been approved by the Forum organisers. Badges will be issued at accreditation points in Moscow. Information on the location and working hours of accreditation points is posted on the official Forum website.
Badges are issued according to the following conditions:
  • confirmed accreditation in the Forum database;
  • presentation of a passport (all passport data must match the data in the registration form);
  • if the badge is to be issued by proxy, a power of attorney and a copy of the passport must be presented.
2.3 Rules for the use of the badge by media, SM and blogosphere representatives
  • The badge is personal, and its transfer to third parties is prohibited.
  • The badge must be worn in a visible place during the entire time at the Forum venue.
  • Any other accreditation cards are invalid for access to the Forum venue.
2.4 Rules of access to the Forum events
Accreditation of media, SM and blogosphere representatives is mandatory for participation in all Forum events.

3. Denial of accreditation
The Forum organisers reserve the right to refuse accreditation without giving reasons.

4. Rights and duties of media, SM and blogosphere representatives accredited to the Forum
4.1 A representative of the media, SM or blogosphere accredited to the Forum has the right to:
  • use all services intended for the work of representatives of the media, SM and blogosphere;
  • receive information on the official events and exhibitions of the Forum (press releases, business programme, etc.);
  • work in the Forum's press centre during official events, using its infrastructure;
  • participate in press conferences, briefings and other press events.

4.2 A representative of the media, SM or blogosphere accredited to the Forum is obliged to:
  • verify the reliability of the information they report;
  • fulfil the requests of the persons who provided the information to indicate its source;
  • when receiving information from citizens and officials, inform them about audio and video recording, film and photography;
  • not use their professional capabilities to conceal information or falsify information of public importance, collect information for the benefit of an unauthorised person or an organisation that is not a mass media outlet;
  • suspend (stop) photography/video filming at the request of the Forum's security service;
  • not take photos/videos at the Forum venue security checkpoints;
  • not distribute printed materials in the Forum area without the agreement of the organisers;
  • when using official information and quoting statements of Forum participants, follow the Forum's "Mention Policy", i.e.: finished materials must contain a mention of the Forum and the source of the information received, and a link to the official Forum website ( for electronic media and bloggers; any changes, additions or distortions to the copied (quoted) information are not allowed.

Rules for the use of information at the International Municipal BRICS Forum (IMBRICS Forum)
When using official information and quoting statements of the participants of the International Municipal BRICS Forum (hereinafter - the "IMBRICS Forum" or the "Forum"), the finished materials should contain a reference to and the source of the information received. If the information is taken from the website, a reference to it should be indicated. Changes, additions or distortions to the quoted information are not allowed.

Print media / Radio: All programmes or interviews taken at the Forum venue must contain a reference to the IMBRICS Forum (text or logo).

Television: Any broadcast or interview recorded in the Forum area must contain a reference to the IMBRICS Forum (text or emblem/logo).

Internet publications: Any article or interview written during or after the Forum must contain a reference to the IMBRICS Forum (text or emblem/logo).

Photographs: All released photographs should contain a reference to the IMBRICS Forum in the image or caption (text or emblem/logo).

Blogs / Social Media: When using official information obtained as part of participation in the IMBRICS Forum and quoting statements of the Forum participants (with their personal consent), materials posted on the Internet (blogs, social networks, etc.) must contain reliable facts.

The Forum organisers are not responsible for statements made by participants of the blogosphere and social networks. The organisers of the event have the right to use the texts of articles, photo and video materials received or created by media representatives during the preparation or holding of the IMBRICS Forum events, with reference to the authors of these materials.

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